Submit your final project through CANVAS. Recall that the due date is Monday, November 27, 2023.
Also, this project is a mandatory part of the class and fulfills Gen Ed requirements
(UK Core Quantitative Reasoning Rubric).
Be sure to make it clear who all the members of group are! Also, please note that EVERY member of the group must
submit the project in Canvas not just a single representative for the group.
This page provides some guidelines and suggestions for possible final projects for MA 137.
You can choose any other project of your choice provided it has both a substantial
mathematical component (related to what we learned in MA 137) and an
adequate biological and/or medical interest. You can freely draw
your projects from the World Wide Web. The following website
maintained by the author of our textbook is also a valuable source
of information:
While putting together your final project please make sure that it clearly conveys:
your ability to explain information presented in mathematical
forms through equations, graphs, diagrams, tables, words (Interpretation);
your ability to convert relevant information into various
mathematical forms through equations, graphs, diagrams,
tables, words (Representation);
your ability with calculations (Calculation);
your ability to make judgments and draw appropriate
conclusions based on the quantitative analysis of data,
while recognizing the limits of this analysis (Application/Analysis);
your ability to make and evaluate important assumptions in
estimation, modeling, and data analysis (Assumptions);
your ability in expressing quantitative evidence in support of the
argument or purpose of the work (Communication).
Here are additional guidelines with which your paper must comply:
You have to turn in a typewritten paper, at least four (4) pages long.
It should be double spaced, it should use 12pt fonts (Times New Roman,
Helvetica, or Arial);
Your paper should not be in an itemized form but it should be written in a
narrative/expository form. You can use sections and subsections.
There must be an abstract, an introductory preamble and a final
You must quote, at the end of your paper, all the references that
you used for your work;
Your paper must provide historical and contextual facts and/or
preliminary background material on the topic of your paper;
Your paper must contain all the steps of your calculations (say,
equation manipulations, derivatives, limits, and more). You must also indicate which
properties you are using while doing your calculations (say,
product rule, chain rule, etc...);
Your paper must contain illustrative graphs and tables (Maple
or Mathematica outputs, Excel spreadsheets, etc...);
Your paper can be written by yourself or by a group of at most
three students. Be sure to make it clear who all the members of your group are!
Your project paper will be worth at most 20 points.
Please seek help from your instructor if you are uncertain
on what to do. You can also seek a preliminary opinion from your
instructor to determine whether you are doing satisfactory work. DO
NOT WAIT until the last minute to complete your project and/or seek
Some suggested topics for a final project include:
Recruitment Model -- Ricker's curve
Gompertz Growth Model
Discrete logistic equation
Hematopoietic cell replication and control
Bees collecting pollen and nectar -- Optimization
Invasion of the Toads
Invasion of the White Pine
Epidemic models: HIV
Epidemic Models: Yellow Fever in Senegal in 2002
Allometric modeling
Zombie Apocalypse
- Gorilla poaching