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Fall, 2016 STA 635 - 001
Survival Analysis [survivalability and life testing]
Do you know which paper in all statistical science that are most cited? (Answer: the Kaplan-Meier 1958 paper)
Do you know which paper in all statistical science that are 2nd most cited? (Answer: the Cox 1972 paper)
We shall cover the topic of both papers in this course, and more.
What is Survival Analysis? [what makes Survival Analysis special?]
Someone said: "Ordinary statistics concerns with CDF F(t),
while survival
analysis concerns the survival function S(t)" [But that is a minor
difference.] In my opinion, Survival Analysis has these
unique features
(1) In survival analysis, observations are subject to censoring.
Nonparametric procedures are more popular, since there is no clear
choice of a parametric family of distributions (like normal
(3) Survival analysis focuses on the parameter of hazard, or hazard functions.
(4) Survival analysis is Kaplan-Meier estimator + logrank test + Cox regression model.Instructor: Dr. Mai Zhou
Office: MDS 343, Phone: 257-6912,
mai@ms.uky.edu, Web page (this page):
Office Hours: TBA or by appointment.
Class: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1:00pm - 1:50pm at MDS 337.
Textbook: Survival Analysis Using SAS Second Ed. by Allison.
plus my
Lecture Notes. (listed below and will list more as we procede)
Homework1 Homework2 Homework3 Homework4 Midterm Exam: Oct. 19 Homework5 Homework 6 Final Exam
My Lecture Notes for this class:
A review of exponential distributions
Independent Censorship Model
Likelihood for Censored Data and some further explaination Note
A review of likelihood based inference methods (Chapter 10 of This Lecture Note ) and A short summary
Cox proportional Hazards Regression Model PDF file
Survival Analysis with software R PDF file
Log rank test is a video game
SAS manual for lifereg
SAS manual for Lifetest
Data sets from the book "Survival Analysis" by Klein and Moeschberger
SAS program and Data set from our textbook, 1st Ed. For second Ed. See here.
Testing related to Medians
Examples of Wilks confidence interval
More Examples
Wilks example
More Examples
Four SAS examples
An R package: rankreg.zip
Time dependent covariate in Cox model by Fisher and Lin 1999
SAS for Nelson-Aalen Est.
Example illustrate invariance of Wilks Confidence interval and as a comparison see this too.
What this course is NOT: this is not a course on SAS programming (even though we use a textbook that
says ...using SAS). This is not a course about R programming either. You should know both before taking
course. This is not a theoretical course either, I would like to think of it
as a methodology course. There will be
plenty of heuristics, hints will be given
to help understand statistical methods, and how to approach to prove it.
Some results are just given
and not proved (or only proof in a simpler special case), or hand-waving where rigour is needed.
Some Additional Reading Materials (some at a higher level):
The Nelson-Aalen estimator and Kaplan-Meier estimator are NPMLE
Learn Counting Process in 25 Minutes!
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
My notes
(on counting processes).
Notes on AFT model and empirical likelihood
will be distributed in class.
Empirical likelihood with censored data
LASSO for Cox regression
Takehome Final
Weekly Topics:
Exponential distribution and extensions (Weibull, extreme value, piecewise exponential).
Hazard functions. A review of likelihood based inference methods. Likelihood in terms of hazard.
The Nelson-Aalen estimator.
The Kaplan-Meier estimator. Properties of Nelson-Aalen and Kaplan-Meier estimator.
Inference. Greenwood formula.
The Log rank test. Generalizations.
The Cox proportional hazards regression models.
The AFT models.
Homework 50%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 25%
Make-up Policy for Missed Exams: Make-up quizzes and exams will
be given only for university excused absences. Requests must be made at
least one week prior to the exam, when possible, and must be approved.
If you are unable to attend and exam due to unforeseen circumstances
must contact me or the department office (257-6115) as soon as possible
(within 2 days).
Absences due to illness must be documented by a clinic, doctor or
visit and a note of explanation. Late homework and computer assignments
will be accepted only for university excused absences.