David Jensen

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Dave Jensen on Jungfraujoch
University of Kentucky
Department of Mathematics
719 Patterson Office Tower
Lexington, KY 40506-0027


Office Hours:  TBA

Office:  POT 733
This Spring, I am teaching an inquiry based graduate topics course on Chip Firing.

Previous Semesters


Graduate Linear Algebra (Fall 2024)
Rings and Modules (Fall 2024)
History of Math (Fall 2023)
Graduate Algebra I (Fall 2023)
Math and Democracy (Spring 2023)
Math and Politics (Fall 2022)
Algebraic Geometry (Fall 2022)
Calculus 1 with Life Science Applications (Spring 2022)
History of Math (Fall 2021)
Algebra 3 (Fall 2021)
Abstract Algebra  (Spring 2020)
Calculus I for the Life Sciences  (Spring 2020)
Rings and Modules  (Fall 2019)
Chip Firing  (Spring 2019)
Calculus I (Fall 2018)
Matrix Algebra (Fall 2018)
History of Mathematics (Spring 2018)
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry (Spring 2018)
Abstract Algebra  (Spring 2017)
Calculus I  (Spring 2017)
Abstract Algebra  (Fall 2016)
Elementary Modern Algebra I (Fall 2015)
Linear Algebra I (Fall 2015)
Introduction to Algebraic Curves (Spring 2015)
Calculus IV (Fall 2014)
Introduction to Number Theory (Fall 2014)


Tropical Brill-Noether Theory (Spring 2016, co-taught with Sam Payne)
Undergraduate Algebraic Geometry (Spring 2016)
MATH 112: Calculus of a Single Variable (Spring 2014)
Algebraic Curves and Linear Series (Fall 2013)

Stony Brook
Graduate Problem Seminar (Fall 2011 and 2012)
Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (Spring 2012)
Logic, Language and Proof (Fall 2011)
Mathematical Puzzles and Games (Spring 2011)
Introduction to Mathematical Thinking (Spring 2011)
Calculus B (Spring 2013 and Fall 2010)

University of Texas
Foundations of Arithmetic (Fall 2008)