|  University of Kentucky Department of Mathematics 719 Patterson Office Tower Lexington, KY 40506-0027
Office: POT 733
| Travel
July 14-18
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Summer Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry
May 21-22
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
October 28-29
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Algebra & Number Theory Seminar
March 13-17
BIRS, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Algebraic Aspects of Matroid Theory
May 9-10
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
May 15-19
Stanford, Palo Alto, CA
Algebraic Geometry Seminar (canceled)
August 6-11
BIRS, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Curves: Algebraic, Tropical, and Logarithmic (canceled)
When | Where | Why |
| March 16-19 | Brown University, Providence, RI | Algebraic Geometry Seminar | August 1-5 | Bath, United Kingdom | LMS-Bath Symposium on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry | October 27 | The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH | Colloquium |
2020-2021 BIG GERM! STAY HOME!
When | Where | Why |
| February 19 | The Ohio State Univeristy, Columbus, OH | Algebraic Geometry Seminar | March 11-16 | MSRI, Berkeley, CA | Collaboration | April 19 | University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA | Valley Geometry Seminar | June 10-14 | Amherst College, Amherst, MA | Ideals, Varieties, Applications Conference | October 18-20 | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI | Facets of Algebraic Geometry | November 2-3 | Washington University, St Louis, MO | I-70 Algebraic Geometry Workshop | November 5-7 | Humboldt Universitat, Berlin, Germany | Brill-Noether Event | November 13 - 17 | Brown University, Providence, RI | Algebraic Geometry Seminar |
When | Where | Why |
| February 24-25 | Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, GA | GAGS | March 17-18 | The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH | Algebraic and Combinatorial Aspects of Tropical Geometry and Moduli | March 24 | Tufts University, Boston, MA | Algebraic Geometry Day | April 16-20 | Mittag-Lefler, Sotckholm, Sweden | Tropical Geometry and Amoebas in Higher Dimension | August 13-17 | Cabo Frio, Brazil | ICM Satellite Conference on Tropical Geometry and Moduli Spaces | September 17 | University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN | Algebra Seminar | September 21-23 | Brown University, Providence, RI | AGNES | October 5 | Central Michigan University, MI | Analysis & Geometry Seminar | November 2 | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA | Algberaic Geometry Seminar |
When | Where | Why |
| April 10-14 | AIM, San Jose, CA | Foundations of Tropical Schemes | May 15-19 | Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy | Invited Lecture Series | September 29 | Williams College, Williamstown, MA | Faculty Seminar | October 2-6 | Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ | Algebra Seminar | October 13-15 | Northeastern University, Boston, MA | AGNES | October 17 | Harvard University, Cambridge MA | Algebraic Geometry Seminar | November 1-2 | University of Texas, Austin, TX | Geometry Seminar |
When | Where | Why |
| March 4-6 | University of Georgia, Athens GA | AMS Sectional, Special Section on Tropical Geometry | March 13-26 | Oberwolfach, Germany | Research in Pairs | April 13 | University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA | Algebra Seminar | April 28 | Yale University, New Haven, CT | BATMOBYLE | May 1-6 | Casa Matematica Oaxaca, Mexico | Algebraic and Tropical Geometry of Moduli Spaces | June 27 - July 1 | University of Toulouse, France | New Methods in Birational Geometry | July 25 - August 5 | MSRI, Berkeley, CA | Summer School on Chip Firing and Tropical Curves | August 22-26 | ANU, Canberra, Australia | Geometry at the ANU | October 4 | Rice University, Houston, TX | Algebraic Geometry Seminar | October 22-23 | Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN | ALGECOM | December 5-9 | Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada | Combinatorial Moduli Spaces |
When | Where | Why |
| February 1-7 | Rio Grande, Puerto Rico | Simons Symposium on Nonarchimedean Geometry | June 1-5 | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI | Non-Archimedean Geometry and its Applications | June 22-26 | Yale University, New Haven, CT | SUMRY Colloquium | July 12 - August 1 | University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT | AMS Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry | August 17-21 | AIM, San Jose, CA | Workshop on Degenerations in Algebraic Geometry | September 30 | University of Illinois, Chicago, IL | Algebraic Geometry Seminar | October 2-4 | Brown University, Providence, RI | AGNES | October 23-25 | Emory University, Atlanta, GA | GAGS | November 5 | University of Waterloo, Canada | Colloquium |
2014When | Where | Why |
| March 11 | Bates College, Lewiston, ME | Colloquium | March 30 - April 4 | BIRS, Banff, Canada | Specialization of Linear Series for Algebraic and Tropical Curves | April 15 | Harvard University, Cambrdige, MA | Harvard-MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar | April 22 | The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH | Algebraic Geometry Seminar | April 25-27 | Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY | AGNES | May 11-14 | Yale University, New Haven, CT | Workshop on Tropical Foundations | July 9-12 | Fordham University, New York, NY | Applications of Computer Algebra | September 29 | University of Tennessee, Knowxville, TN | Algebra and Geometry Seminar | October 17-19 | University of Georgia, Athens, GA | Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium | October 21 | Emory University, Atlanta, GA | Algebra and Number Theory Seminar | December 3 | University of Georgia, Athens, GA | Algebraic Geometry Seminar |
When | Where | Why |
| January 9-12 | San Diego, CA | Joint Meetings of the AMS and MAA | January 21-23 | University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC | Colloquium | January 23-25 | University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY | Colloquium | February 7-9 | Washington and Lee, Lexington, VA | Colloquium | February 14-16 | Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK | Colloquium | March 5-8 | University of Georgia, Athens, GA | Algebraic Geometry Seminar and Colloquium | April 6-7 | Boston College, Boston, MA | AMS Sectional Meeting | April 19-21 | Yale University, New Haven, CT | AGNES | May 20 - June 22 | Universitat Wien, Vienna, Austria | Geometry of Topological D-Branes | June 24-30 | KTH and Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden | GAeL | August 12-16 | POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea | Conference on Moduli and Birational Geometry | September 24 | Courant Institute, NYU, New York, NY | Algebraic Geometry Seminar | October 24-27 | Boston College, Boston, MA | AGNES | December 6 | Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY | Workshop on K-Stability |
When | Where | Why |
| May 20 - June 1 | University of Georgia, Athens, GA | Algebraic Geometry Summer School | June 16-23 | Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France | GAeL | June 24-30 | Sol Beach, Yangyang, South Korea | Algebraic Geometry Summer School | July 1-6 | Aomori, Japan |
| July 8-14 | Busan, South Korea | Workshop on Moduli and Birational Geometry | August 1-3 | University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI | Mathfest! | September 20 | Yale University, New Haven, CT | Algebraic and Tropical Geometry Seminar | September 25 | Rice University, Houston, TX | Algebraic Geometry Seminar | September 26-28 | University of Texas, Austin, TX | Geometry Seminar | October 2 | Princeton University, Princeton, NJ | Algebraic Geometry Seminar | October 15-19 | ICMAT, Madrid, Spain | School on Conformal Blocks | October 26-28 | Brown University, Providence, RI | AGNES | November 4-7 | University of Colorado, Boulder, CO | Algebraic Geometry Seminar and Colloquium | November 9 | Columbia University, New York, NY | Algebraic Geometry Seminar | December 4-5 | The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH | Algebraic Geometry Seminar | December 10-14 | AIM, Palo Alto, CA | Workshop on the Hassett-Keel Program |