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Section 1.4 Solving Equations

Example 1.15.

Suppose we want to solve the following equation for \(x\text{:}\)

\begin{equation*} 3(x+7)^3-2=22 \end{equation*}

We will apply the same thing to both sides, each time deciding what to cancel based on the order of operations. For example, our normal GEMDAS would have Add/Subtract last, which means it's the first thing we need to deal with. We have a \(-2\) at the end of this equation, so since adding cancels subtraction, we will add 2 to both sides. We continue each step just like this:

\begin{align*} 3(x+7)^3-2\amp=22\\ 3(x+7)^3-2{\color{red}{+2}}\amp=22{\color{red}{+2}}\\ 3(x+7)^3\amp=24\\ \frac{3(x+7)^3}{\color{red}{3}}\amp=\frac{24}{\color{red}{3}}\\ (x+7)^3\amp=8\\ \sqrt[3]{(x+7)^3}\amp=\sqrt[3]{8}\\ x+7\amp=2\\ x+7{\color{red}{-7}}\amp=2{\color{red}{-7}}\\ x\amp=-5 \end{align*}