Date | Description |
T 1/9 | Application of integration (Section 6.3) [worksheet 1 - solutions] |
R 1/11 |
Application of integration (Section 6.3) [worksheet 2 -
T 1/16 | The substitution rule (Section 7.1) [worksheet 3 - solutions] |
R 1/18 |
Integration by parts and practicing integration (Section 7.2)
[worksheet 4 -
solutions] QUIZ 1 (Section 6.3) |
T 1/23 |
Integration by parts and practicing integration (Section 7.2); Rational functions and partial fractions (Section 7.3) [ worksheet 5 - solutions] |
R 1/25 |
Rational functions and partial fractions (Section 7.3) [worksheet 6 -
solutions] QUIZ 2 (Sections 7.1 & 7.2) |
T 1/30 | Improper integrals (Section 7.4) [worksheet 7 - solutions] |
R 2/1 |
Improper integrals (Section 7.4) [worksheet 8 -
solutions] QUIZ 3 (Section 7.3) |
T 2/6 | review; Solving differential equations (Section 8.1) [worksheet 9 - solutions] |
T 2/6 | EXAM 1, 5-7 pm |
R 2/8 |
Solving differential equations (Section 8.1) [worksheet 10 -
solutions] |
T 2/13 | Solving differential equations (Section 8.1) [worksheet 11 - solutions] |
R 2/15 |
Solving differential equations (Section 8.1); Equilibria and their stability (Section 8.2) [worksheet 12 -
solutions] QUIZ 4 (Section 8.1) |
T 2/20 | Equilibria and their stability (Section 8.2) [worksheet 13 - solutions] |
R 2/22 |
Equilibria and their stability (Section 8.2); Linear Systems (Section 9.1) [worksheet 14 - solutions] QUIZ 5 (Section 8.2) |
T 2/27 | Linear Systems (Section 9.1) [worksheet 15 - solutions] |
R 2/29 |
Matrices (Section 9.2) [worksheet 16 -
solutions] QUIZ 6 (Section 9.1) |
T 3/5 | Matrices (Section 9.2); review [worksheet 17 - solutions] |
T 3/5 | EXAM 2, 5-7 pm |
R 3/7 |
Linear maps, eigenvectors, and eigenvalues (Section 9.3) [worksheet 18 -
T 3/12 | Spring Break (no class) |
T 3/14 |
Spring Break (no class) |
T 3/19 | Linear maps, eigenvectors, and eigenvalues (Section 9.3) [worksheet 19 - solutions] |
R 3/21   |
Curve fitting - least square approximation [worksheet 20 -
solutions] QUIZ 7 (Section 9.3) |
T 3/26 | Curve fitting - least square approximation; Functions of two or more independent variables (Section 10.1) [worksheet 21 - solutions] |
R 3/28 |
Functions of two or more independent variables (Section 10.1); Limits and continuity (Section 10.2) [worksheet 22 -
QUIZ 8 (least squares approximation & Section 10.1) |
T 4/2 | Limits and continuity (Section 10.2); Partial derivatives (Section 10.3) [worksheet 23 - solutions] |
R 4/4 |
Partial derivatives (Section 10.3); Tangent planes, differentiability, and linearization (Section 10.4)
[worksheet 24 - solutions]
QUIZ 9 (Sections 10.2 & 10.3) |
T 4/9 | Tangent planes, differentiability, and linearization (Section 10.4); review [worksheet 25 - solutions] |
T 4/9 | EXAM 3, 5-7 pm |
R 4/11 |
Tangent planes, differentiability, and linearization (Section 10.4); Linear systems: theory (Section 11.1)
[worksheet 26 - solutions]
T 4/16 | Linear systems: theory (Section 11.1) [worksheet 27 - solutions] |
R 4/18 |
Linear systems: theory (Section 11.1); Linear systems: applications (Section 11.2)
[worksheet 28 - solutions]
QUIZ 10 (Sections 10.4 & 11.1) |
T 4/23 |
Linear systems: applications (Section 11.2); Nonlinear autonomous systems: theory (Section 11.3)
[worksheet 29 - solutions]
W 5/1 | FINAL EXAM, 6:00-8:00 pm |